NSF awards $60 million for next-generation supercomputer
NSF awards $60 million for next-generation supercomputer
More at https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=296431&WT.mc_id=USNSF_51&WT.mc_ev=click
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has made a $60 million award to fund the largest and most powerful supercomputer the agency has ever supported to serve the nation's science and engineering (S&E) research community. The new high-performance computing (HPC) system, to be called Frontera, will be located at the University of Texas at Austin's (UT Austin) ...
This is an NSF News item.
Published August 29, 2018 at 01:00PM
NSF awards $60 million for next-generation supercomputer
Reviewed by shada
August 31, 2018